
布赖恩特 历史与传统

自1863年以来, the University has been preparing students with the knowledge, 技能, and qualities of character to achieve a lifetime of success.

全球十大赌博靠谱的平台大学. 自1863年以来.

19世纪下半叶,美国商业企业的扩张创造了前所未有的就业增长. 布赖恩特 founders Henry 布赖恩特 and Henry Stratton recognized that workers, particularly Civil War veterans, interested in new job opportunities would need a business education. 的 two men founded 布赖恩特 and Stratton National Business College, which grew to 40 locations altogether, including the campus in Providence, R.I., in 1863. 埃兹拉·梅森(Ezra Mason)是罗德岛州的一名会计师,也是该学院的创始合伙人,并负责管理该学院.

>> 科比的宪章 (1月. 14, 1863)


From the beginning, Mason wanted to inspire women to attend college. In 1865, 他宣称, “我们有幸为年轻的女士颁发毕业证书,因为她们在会计方面的所有要求都达到了彻底的水平,这使许多大胡子的竞争者为获得同样的荣誉而装腔作势." Female students remained a minority for the next decade, but the college continued to actively recruit and attract women.

Business curriculum expanded to include the arts and sciences 

威廉·华纳, 他在1867年从梅森手中买下了这所学院,并将课程扩展到艺术课程, 人文学科, and sciences including philosophy, 历史, 语言, 摄影, 雕塑, 工程, 高等数学, 液压, 和力学. maximilian Berlitz负责语言,后来继续建立他的Berlitz学校帝国.